
This Voice in My Heart: A Runner's Memoir of Genocide, Faith & Forgiveness, by Gilbert Tuhabonye

This Voice in My Heart: A Runner's Memoir of Genocide, Faith, and Forgiveness (available via U.S. retailers or eReaders)

Gilbert Tuhabonye is a survivor. In 1993, as an innocent high school boy, he lay buried under a pile of burning bodies. The centuries–old battle between Africa's Hutu and Tutsi tribes had come to Gilbert's school. Fueled by hatred, the Hutus forced more than a hundred Tutsi children and teachers into a small room and used machetes to beat most of them to death. The unfortunate ones who survived the beating were doused with gasoline and set on fire. After hiding under burning bodies for over eight hours, Gilbert heard a voice inside saying, "You will be all right; you will survive." He...

The Running Man by Gilbert Tuhabonye

The Running Man (available via UK retailers)

Before he even graduated from high school, Gilbert Tuhabonye lived through an unthinkable atrocity. In 1993, the horrors of the conflict between Africa's Hutu and Tutsi tribes were brought to Gilbert's school as Hutus forced more than a hundred Tutsi children and teachers into a small room and used a machetes to slash most of them to death. Those who survived were set on fire. While those around him were dying, Gilbert survived by burying himself under the charred remains of his former schoolmates and teachers. As the fire moved closer to him, in desperation he grabbed a classmate's burnt...


Select Works by Other Authors Supporting/Referencing Gilbert

The One Thing by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan

The One Thing (by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan)

“From competitor to survivor, from college to career to charity, Gilbert Tuhabonye’s passion for running became a skill that led to a profession that opened up an opportunity to give back. He symbolizes how one passion can become one skill, and together ignite and define an extraordinary life.” The One Thing